Chung Hom Kok Battery

Chung Hom Kok Battery

Chung Hom Kok Battery is located in Chung Hom Kok, Hong Kong China. The battery was used as a coastal defense fort in 1941 and was out of service after …

Mount Davis Battery

Mount Davis Battery

The Mount Davis Battery is located on the top of Mount Davis, Sai Wan, Hong Kong China. It was the site of the remaining of the battery which was once …

The Jardine Noonday Gun

The Jardine Noonday Gun

The Noonday Gun is owned and operated by Jardine Matheson and is located on the waterfront in Causeway Bay of Hong Kong China. It is a former naval artillery piece …

Tung Chung Battery

Tung Chung Battery

The Tung Chung Battery is located on Lantau Island in Hong Kong China. It was built in 1817, and the purpose was to protect Tung Chung Bay from pirates. Now …

Tung Chung Fort

Tung Chung Fort

The Tung Chung Fort is located in Tung Chung, Lantau Island of Hong Kong China. It is a fort surrounded by 2 villages: Sheung Ling Pei and Ha Ling Pei. …