How to pay for the Shenzhen metro ticket with Shenzhen Tong card, AlipayHK and WeChat Pay HK

Shenzhen metro payment method

In this post we are going to introduce the ways to pay for the Shenzhen metro tickets based on the knowledge we know when we were in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen Tong cards (Physical Card)

Shenzhen Tong Card

Shenzhen Tong card (Physical Card) is a contactless prepay card just like the octopus card of Hong Kong. You need to buy the Shenzhen Tong card (Physical Card) first and the fee of buying the card is not refundable. After you purchase the card, you could top up the card value with RMB at the Shenzhen metro service counters, the top up machines at the Shenzhen metro stations and other various places.

All you need to do is to tap the card at the entrance of the metro station gate’s senor when you enter and leave the station, the fee will be deducted based on the journey you have traveled.


  • No need to have a smart phone.
  • You could have a budget limit on how much you spend for your travel because it is prepaid.
  • It is easy to use. No need technical skill.


  • The purchase fee is not refundable.
  • It is a prepaid card, you need to top up the value once you have spent it all.

AlipayHK and WeChat Pay HK

Assumed that you are a traveler from Hong Kong and you have WeChat Pay and AlipayHK which are very popular in Hong Kong. Both apps can pay the Shenzhen metro ticket fee with the qr code.

For Alipay HK (as on 12 November 2023)

  1. pass the “EasyGo”  button at the bottom tool bar
    alipayhk easygo
  2. Press “Switch regions” , choose “Shenzhen”, press the “Go” button next to “Shenzhentong”, the qr code will show up.alipayhk easygoalipayhk-easygo

For WeChat Pay HK (as on 12 November 2023):

1. Press the search button at the top right corner and search for keyword “乘车码”, choose the first item “乘车码 – 小程式” and then choose “深圳市地铁乘车码“, then follow the steps of the app.

wechat metro qr codewechat metro qr code wechat metro qr code wechat metro qr code

2. The first time you need to do a real name authentication and then the app would ask if you allow to have no password required when paying the fee.

wechat metro qr codewechat metro qr code


3. Once it is done, you will get the Shenzhen metro QR code

wechat metro qr code

There are other payments method we have not covered in this post, we might do a part 2 on this topic in the future to introduce other payment method.

The above information is for reference only, the official policy and the app interface and operational steps might change time after time, please read our Disclaimer before use the information.

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