Currency of Hong Kong SAR

Currency of Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong dollar is the official currency of the Hong Kong SAR. The symbols of Hong Kong Dollar are $, HK$ or 元‎.

There are coins and banknotes of Hong Kong dollar.

For coins, they are:

Value Composition
10 Cent Brass-plated steel
20 Cent Brass-plated steel
50 Cent Brass-plated steel
1 Dollar Cupronickel
2 Dollar Cupronickel
5 Dollar Cupronickel
10 Dollar Cupronickel ring and with brass center

For banknotes, there are three commercial banks are licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to issue and they are Bank of China, HSBC and Standard Chartered. The banknotes are :

10 Dollar
20 Dollar
50 Dollar
100 Dollar
500 Dollar
1000 Dollar

The following are exchange calculator provided by some of the banks in Hong Kong  SAR for your reference:



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