Hong Kong dollar is the official currency of the Hong Kong SAR. The symbols of Hong Kong Dollar are $, HK$ or 元.
There are coins and banknotes of Hong Kong dollar.
For coins, they are:
Value | Composition |
10 Cent | Brass-plated steel |
20 Cent | Brass-plated steel |
50 Cent | Brass-plated steel |
1 Dollar | Cupronickel |
2 Dollar | Cupronickel |
5 Dollar | Cupronickel |
10 Dollar | Cupronickel ring and with brass center |
For banknotes, there are three commercial banks are licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to issue and they are Bank of China, HSBC and Standard Chartered. The banknotes are :
Value |
10 Dollar |
20 Dollar |
50 Dollar |
100 Dollar |
500 Dollar |
1000 Dollar |
The following are exchange calculator provided by some of the banks in Hong Kong SAR for your reference:
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