The Sung Wong Toi is a historic relic rock in Sung Wong Toi Garden, Ma Tau Chung Kowloon city of Hong Kong China. The Sung Wong Toi is a remaining portion of a 45-metre-tall boulder standing on the top of Sacred Hill in Ma Tau Chung. The rock is a memorial to the last two boy emperors of the Southern Song dynasty, Zhao Shi and Zhao Bing.
Location And Contact
Sung Wong Toi Playground, Sung Wong Toi Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.
To Get There
20 , 20A , 22 , 22M , 101 , 106 , 106A , 106P , 107 , 111 , 111P , 116 , 793 , 796X , A22 , E23 , E23A , N23 , N121
2 , 2A , 69 , 69A , 105 , 105S
Sung Wong Toi Station - Exit: D
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