The Sir Thomas Jackson Statue is a bronze sculpture by Mario Raggi located in Statue Square, Central of Hong Kong China right opposite to the HSBC building.
Location And Contact
Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong SAR, China.
To Get There
25 , 26 , 101 , 104 , 109 , 111 , 111P , 113 , 115 , 182 , 182X , 307 , 373 , 601P , 603 , 603P , 619 , 619X , 641 , 673 , 681P , 690 , 722 , 934 , 934A , 935 , 961P , 961S , 968 , 968X , 969N , E11S , N8X , N11 , N90 , N121 , N182 , N307 , N368 , N373 , N619 , N680 , N691 , N969 , P968
Central Station - Exit: K
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